Monday, September 8, 2014

First Day on the Bus Tour!

Ok so we were up and at it at 3:45 am this morning (as Cas says the "freakin" morning) and on our way to the Great Cliffs of Dover and the English Chanel by 4:45 am.  We met some great folks on our bus - a couple from Winnipeg who used to live in Kanata and one from PEI who used to work six months at a time in Ottawa for CRA and who has good friends in Stittsville!  The world is soooo small.  Anyway here are some shots from our day...

It took about 1.5 hours to reach Calais on the other side of the channel.  From there another 1.5 hours to Amsterdam.  We spent our free time (3 hours) in Amsterdam just becoming familiar with some of the most popular spots so that when we return we can find our way around. Honestly, we were so pooped, we headed out of the city centre to find a quite canal bench where we enjoyed a hot Chai Latte! 
 Aunt Win, here is the train station!

St. Nicholas Church at Night - Cas is rocking out that new camera Andrew!

And now for some googling!  4 Heineken coasters to the one who replies correctly...
Many buildings have planks protruding from the top with a large hook hanging down.  The homes are actually on an angle leaning toward the street.  What is the hook for and why are the homes tilting forward?  Here is an example.  Look way up on the houses on the right.  You may spot the hooks.


  1. Also.... Depending on the age of the home. Specifically newer homes (1700s and newer) the hook was used to hoist furniture and large objects to the second floor due to the narrow stair cases inside.

  2. I'm thinking Cass should get herself a little Dutch girl outfit (at least the hat) like the one on display behind her big wooden shoes.

  3. Schmoke and a pancake?

  4. Hi guys
    Mitch forwarded us your blog with pics and commentary on your adventures. Looks like fun and that you are having great weather.
    the hook from the top of the building is to hoist furniture and other large items to the upper floors as the staircases are too narrow.
    take care, enjoy your trip

